5 marketing trends you need to know for 2023

Picture of Laurianne Dudgeon

Laurianne Dudgeon

The end of 2022 is nearly upon us, and hasn’t it gone by like a flash? If you’re anything like us you’ll now be preparing your marketing plans for 2023, and to help with some inspiration we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 marketing trends we expect to see in 2023.  


Some of the trends in this list won’t be a surprise to you, we’ve seen them gain popularity of the past year but we expect them to be a key player in your marketing activity for 2023 and beyond. 


Here are our top 5 marketing trends for 2023, continue reading for more detail on the individual trends below. 


  • Personalised Marketing 

  • Visual Content  

  • Influencer Marketing 

  • Online Reviews 

  • Email Marketing 


If you’d like any support advice in planning your marketing for 2023 why not take advantage of a free marketing consultation <link> with our expert team? As the top-rated agency in the West Midlands, our friendly team are experts in helping businesses achieve their marketing goals. Book a free marketing consultation here.


The rise of personalised marketing 

Take your digital marketing to the next level with personalised marketing. 


Personalised marketing is the practice of using analytics to make marketing and advertising messages feel unique and personal to each customer. It’s about reaching your perfect customer with the right message at the right time. 


There are so examples of personalised marketing such as: 


  • Personalised emails 
  • Less-generic advertising 
  • Personalised product recommendations direct to the user


Predicted in 2023, businesses will be able to collect more data about their customers than ever before, this data can be used to create highly personalised marketing tailored to each specific customers needs and interests. 


Personalised marketing strategies allow businesses to reach more people without spending money on methods that are ineffective or target the wrong audience. No one wants that! 


Increased visual content 

Visual content is one of the main contributors to highly effective digital marketing, as it works undeniably well in your target audience. 


With popular platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram, everyone is consuming more visual content than ever before. As a result, businesses like yours will need to create more visually appealing content to capture attention across the board. 


Influencer marketing will continue to boom 

You probably see influencer marketing everywhere, and it will only continue to get bigger! This means that more brands and companies will be working with an individual who has large social media followings to promote your own brand or product.  


There is no doubt anywhere that this is one of the most popular digital marketing tactics online today, and it will be set to grow due to this effectiveness. 


Online reviews 

Online reviews can make or break your business or reputation, and whilst any company out there can big up their products and services they offer – there is nothing like unbiased, verified reviews. 


Having many reviews that are from verified sources can make your business stand out from the crowd to build trust before they have even clicked on your website or given you a call. 


The most useful place to display and gain reviews is on Google Business Profile. They are from the most trusted sources, and they will be displayed in the most visible place when users are searching for businesses like yours. 


It is also very simple for you to increase the number of Google Reviews that you have by providing a simple link to your profile to leave you a review directly. 


Email marketing  

Emails convey your message directly to the recipient, there is always a good way to reach your audience and using your email should be one of them. 


HubSpot reveals that there are 4 billion daily email users globally and this figure continues to grow each year, plus at least 91% of people check their email every day. 


Email marketing makes it easier to reach the right people, at the right time. Businesses have complete, full ownership over their contacts and when it is used well; email marketing can turn one-time buyers into loyal customers. 


What now?

Don’t worry! You don’t need to try everything all at once, but they need to have an open mind to new opportunities to get their business out there in the newest ways possible. 


Digital marketing is unpredictable. Trends come and go, but rest assured contact us and we can help you get started. 

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